Sweet Me Up's Privacy Statement

Sweet Me Up's Privacy Statement

Last Updated: December 1, 2024

Sweetf81 03dMef81 03dUpf81 03dLLC,f81 03dandf81 03dourf81 03daffiliatesf81 03d(collectively,f81 03d"SMU,"f81 03d"we,"f81 03d"our,"f81 03d"us")f81 03dvaluef81 03dyourf81 03dprivacy.f81 03dInf81 03dthisf81 03dPrivacyf81 03dPolicy,f81 03dwef81 03ddescribef81 03dhowf81 03dwef81 03dcollect,f81 03duse,f81 03dandf81 03dprocessf81 03dthef81 03dpersonalf81 03dinformationf81 03dwef81 03dobtainf81 03daboutf81 03dpeoplef81 03dwhof81 03dusef81 03dourf81 03dwebsitesf81 03dorf81 03dmobilef81 03dapps,f81 03dbrowsef81 03dorf81 03dpurchasef81 03dourf81 03dproducts,f81 03dorf81 03dwhof81 03dotherwisef81 03dinteractf81 03dwithf81 03dusf81 03donlinef81 03dorf81 03dofflinef81 03d(collectively,f81 03dourf81 03d"Services").f81 03dThisf81 03dPrivacyf81 03dPolicyf81 03ddoesf81 03dnotf81 03dapplyf81 03dtof81 03danyf81 03dwebsitesf81 03dorf81 03dmobilef81 03dappsf81 03dthatf81 03daref81 03dcreated,f81 03drun,f81 03dorf81 03dcontrolledf81 03dbyf81 03dindependentlyf81 03downedf81 03dorf81 03doperatedf81 03dotherf81 03dthirdf81 03dparties.

f81 03df81 03df81 03df81 03d

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f81 03df81 03df81 03df81 03d

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c05 cdfc05 cdfc05 cdfc05 cdf

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c05 cdfc05 cdfc05 cdfc05 cdf c05 cdfc05 cdfc05 cdfc05 cdf

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c05 cdfc05 cdfc05 cdfc05 cdf

Yourc05 cdfwebc05 cdfbrowserc05 cdfmayc05 cdfhavec05 cdfsettingsc05 cdfthatc05 cdfallowc05 cdfyouc05 cdftoc05 cdftransmitc05 cdfac05 cdf"Doc05 cdfNotc05 cdfTrack"c05 cdfsignalc05 cdfwhenc05 cdfyouc05 cdfvisitc05 cdfvariousc05 cdfwebsitesc05 cdforc05 cdfusec05 cdfonlinec05 cdfservices.c05 cdfLikec05 cdfmanyc05 cdfwebsites,c05 cdfourc05 cdfwebsitesc05 cdfarec05 cdfnotc05 cdfdesignedc05 cdftoc05 cdfrespondc05 cdftoc05 cdf"Doc05 cdfNotc05 cdfTrack"c05 cdfsignalsc05 cdfreceivedc05 cdffromc05 cdfbrowsers.

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4f2 6644f2 6644f2 6644f2 664

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We64b f98may64b f98use64b f98your64b f98personal64b f98information64b f98to:

HOW64b f98WE64b f98DISCLOSE64b f98YOUR64b f98INFORMATION

We64b f98may64b f98disclose64b f98your64b f98personal64b f98information64b f98within64b f98our64b f98company,64b f98with64b f98our64b f98affiliates,64b f98with64b f98our64b f98business64b f98partners,64b f98and64b f98with64b f98our64b f98vendors.64b f98We64b f98also64b f98may64b f98disclose64b f98your64b f98personal64b f98information64b f98to:

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LINKS64b f98TO64b f98OTHER64b f98WEBSITES

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b2b 0fdb2b 0fdb2b 0fdb2b 0fd

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b2b 0fdb2b 0fdb2b 0fdb2b 0fd

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Atb2b 0fdnob2b 0fdcostb2b 0fdtob2b 0fdyou,b2b 0fdweb2b 0fdmaintainb2b 0fdappropriateb2b 0fdsafeguardsb2b 0fddesignedb2b 0fdtob2b 0fdprotectb2b 0fdpersonalb2b 0fdinformationb2b 0fdfromb2b 0fdloss,b2b 0fdtheft,b2b 0fdmisuse,b2b 0fdandb2b 0fdunauthorizedb2b 0fdaccess,b2b 0fddisclosure,b2b 0fdalteration,b2b 0fdandb2b 0fddestruction.b2b 0fdNevertheless,b2b 0fdnob2b 0fddatab2b 0fdsecurityb2b 0fdmeasuresb2b 0fdcanb2b 0fdguaranteeb2b 0fd100%b2b 0fdsecurity.b2b 0fdWeb2b 0fdencourageb2b 0fdyoub2b 0fdtob2b 0fdsafeguardb2b 0fdyourb2b 0fdpasswords,b2b 0fdIDb2b 0fdnumbers,b2b 0fdandb2b 0fdotherb2b 0fdinformationb2b 0fdyoub2b 0fduseb2b 0fdtob2b 0fdaccessb2b 0fdourb2b 0fdServices.


We17f 49aretain17f 49apersonal17f 49ainformation17f 49afor17f 49aas17f 49along17f 49aas17f 49anecessary17f 49aor17f 49apermitted17f 49afor17f 49athe17f 49apurposes17f 49adescribed17f 49ain17f 49athis17f 49aPolicy17f 49aor17f 49aotherwise17f 49aauthorized17f 49aby17f 49alaw.17f 49aThis17f 49agenerally17f 49ameans17f 49aholding17f 49athe17f 49ainformation17f 49afor17f 49aas17f 49along17f 49aas17f 49aone17f 49aof17f 49athe17f 49afollowing17f 49aapply:

Where17f 49apersonal17f 49ainformation17f 49ais17f 49aused17f 49afor17f 49amore17f 49athan17f 49aone17f 49apurpose,17f 49awe17f 49awill17f 49aretain17f 49ait17f 49auntil17f 49athe17f 49apurpose17f 49awith17f 49athe17f 49alatest17f 49aperiod17f 49aexpires.17f 49aFor17f 49amore17f 49ainformation17f 49aabout17f 49aour17f 49aretention17f 49apractices,17f 49aplease17f 49acontact17f 49aus17f 49ausing17f 49athe17f 49acontact17f 49adetails17f 49abelow.


Updating17f 49aYour17f 49aInformation.17f 49aIf17f 49ayou17f 49awish17f 49ato17f 49aupdate17f 49athe17f 49apersonal17f 49ainformation17f 49ayou17f 49ahave17f 49aprovided17f 49ato17f 49aus,17f 49ayou17f 49amay17f 49ado17f 49aso17f 49aby17f 49acontacting17f 49aus17f 49athrough17f 49aour Contact Usf83 f3bform.f83 f3bPleasef83 f3bnotef83 f3bthatf83 f3boutdatedf83 f3bcopiesf83 f3boff83 f3binformationf83 f3bthatf83 f3byouf83 f3bhavef83 f3bupdatedf83 f3bmayf83 f3bremainf83 f3bviewablef83 f3binf83 f3bcachedf83 f3bandf83 f3barchivedf83 f3bpagesf83 f3bforf83 f3baf83 f3bperiodf83 f3boff83 f3btime,f83 f3bandf83 f3bwef83 f3bmayf83 f3bmaintainf83 f3brecordsf83 f3binf83 f3bourf83 f3bsystemsf83 f3boff83 f3bthisf83 f3binformationf83 f3basf83 f3bwell.

Marketingf83 f3bEmails.f83 f3bYouf83 f3bmayf83 f3boptf83 f3boutf83 f3boff83 f3bmarketingf83 f3bemailf83 f3bcommunicationsf83 f3bbyf83 f3bfollowingf83 f3bthef83 f3bopt-outf83 f3binstructionsf83 f3bcontainedf83 f3binf83 f3banyf83 f3bemailf83 f3byouf83 f3breceivef83 f3bfromf83 f3busf83 f3borf83 f3bbyf83 f3bsubmittingf83 f3byourf83 f3brequest here.fbf ff4Pleasefbf ff4notefbf ff4thatfbf ff4itfbf ff4mayfbf ff4takefbf ff4upfbf ff4tofbf ff4tenfbf ff4(10)fbf ff4businessfbf ff4daysfbf ff4forfbf ff4usfbf ff4tofbf ff4processfbf ff4opt-outfbf ff4requests.fbf ff4Iffbf ff4youfbf ff4optfbf ff4outfbf ff4offbf ff4marketingfbf ff4emailfbf ff4communications,fbf ff4wefbf ff4mayfbf ff4stillfbf ff4sendfbf ff4youfbf ff4administrativefbf ff4emailsfbf ff4aboutfbf ff4yourfbf ff4accountfbf ff4orfbf ff4anyfbf ff4productfbf ff4youfbf ff4havefbf ff4requestedfbf ff4orfbf ff4receivedfbf ff4fromfbf ff4us.

Textfbf ff4Messages.fbf ff4Youfbf ff4havefbf ff4thefbf ff4choicefbf ff4tofbf ff4opt-infbf ff4tofbf ff4receivingfbf ff4textfbf ff4messagesfbf ff4andfbf ff4alertsfbf ff4onfbf ff4thefbf ff4mobilefbf ff4phonefbf ff4number(s)fbf ff4youfbf ff4disclosefbf ff4tofbf ff4us.fbf ff4Oncefbf ff4youfbf ff4opt-in,fbf ff4wefbf ff4mayfbf ff4sendfbf ff4youfbf ff4textfbf ff4messagesfbf ff4(i)fbf ff4regardingfbf ff4yourfbf ff4accountfbf ff4andfbf ff4yourfbf ff4orders;fbf ff4(ii)fbf ff4aboutfbf ff4ourfbf ff4productsfbf ff4andfbf ff4promotionsfbf ff4(includingfbf ff4advertisements,fbf ff4sales,fbf ff4andfbf ff4specialfbf ff4offers);fbf ff4(iii)fbf ff4tofbf ff4investigatefbf ff4orfbf ff4preventfbf ff4fraud;fbf ff4andfbf ff4(iv)fbf ff4tofbf ff4alertfbf ff4youfbf ff4infbf ff4thefbf ff4eventfbf ff4offbf ff4anfbf ff4issuefbf ff4withfbf ff4anyfbf ff4offbf ff4yourfbf ff4purchases.fbf ff4Youfbf ff4dofbf ff4notfbf ff4havefbf ff4tofbf ff4opt-infbf ff4tofbf ff4textfbf ff4messagesfbf ff4andfbf ff4alertsfbf ff4tofbf ff4usefbf ff4andfbf ff4enjoyfbf ff4ourfbf ff4websitesfbf ff4orfbf ff4products.fbf ff4Iffbf ff4youfbf ff4opt-in,fbf ff4standardfbf ff4textfbf ff4messagingfbf ff4chargesfbf ff4mayfbf ff4apply.fbf ff4Youfbf ff4mayfbf ff4choosefbf ff4tofbf ff4opt-outfbf ff4offbf ff4ourfbf ff4textfbf ff4messagesfbf ff4andfbf ff4alertsfbf ff4atfbf ff4anyfbf ff4timefbf ff4byfbf ff4sendingfbf ff4usfbf ff4afbf ff4textfbf ff4messagefbf ff4fromfbf ff4yourfbf ff4mobilefbf ff4phonefbf ff4withfbf ff4thefbf ff4wordfbf ff4STOP,fbf ff4STOPfbf ff4ALL,fbf ff4END,fbf ff4QUIT,fbf ff4CANCELfbf ff4orfbf ff4UNSUBSCRIBE,fbf ff4andfbf ff4wefbf ff4willfbf ff4unsubscribefbf ff4youfbf ff4fromfbf ff4textfbf ff4communications.

Mobilefbf ff4App.fbf ff4Iffbf ff4youfbf ff4nofbf ff4longerfbf ff4wishfbf ff4tofbf ff4providefbf ff4usfbf ff4withfbf ff4informationfbf ff4throughfbf ff4onefbf ff4offbf ff4ourfbf ff4mobilefbf ff4apps,fbf ff4youfbf ff4mayfbf ff4deletefbf ff4orfbf ff4deactivatefbf ff4yourfbf ff4accountfbf ff4throughfbf ff4thefbf ff4app.


Ourfbf ff4Servicesfbf ff4arefbf ff4notfbf ff4intendedfbf ff4forfbf ff4children,fbf ff4andfbf ff4wefbf ff4dofbf ff4notfbf ff4knowinglyfbf ff4collectfbf ff4personalfbf ff4informationfbf ff4fromfbf ff4children.fbf ff4Iffbf ff4wefbf ff4becomefbf ff4awarefbf ff4thatfbf ff4wefbf ff4havefbf ff4collectedfbf ff4personalfbf ff4informationfbf ff4fromfbf ff4afbf ff4child,fbf ff4wefbf ff4willfbf ff4deletefbf ff4itfbf ff4infbf ff4accordancefbf ff4withfbf ff4applicablefbf ff4law.fbf ff4id=ca>SUPPLEMENTALfbf ff4NOTICEfbf ff4FORfbf ff4RESIDENTSfbf ff4OFfbf ff4COVEREDfbf ff4U.S.fbf ff4STATES

Asfbf ff4afbf ff4supplementfbf ff4tofbf ff4thefbf ff4otherfbf ff4informationfbf ff4providedfbf ff4throughoutfbf ff4thisfbf ff4Privacyfbf ff4Policy,fbf ff4wefbf ff4providefbf ff4thefbf ff4followingfbf ff4additionalfbf ff4informationfbf ff4asfbf ff4afbf ff4noticefbf ff4tofbf ff4consumersfbf ff4infbf ff4California,fbf ff4Colorado,fbf ff4Connecticut,fbf ff4Oregon,fbf ff4Texas,fbf ff4andfbf ff4Utahfbf ff4andfbf ff4Virginia.fbf ff4Wefbf ff4maintainfbf ff4separatefbf ff4noticesfbf ff4forfbf ff4Californiafbf ff4employeesfbf ff4andfbf ff4jobfbf ff4applicants.

Howfbf ff4andfbf ff4Whyfbf ff4Wefbf ff4Collectfbf ff4Personalfbf ff4Information.fbf ff4SMUfbf ff4may,fbf ff4andfbf ff4infbf ff4thefbf ff4previousfbf ff4twelvefbf ff4(12)fbf ff4months,fbf ff4hasfbf ff4collectedfbf ff4andfbf ff4usedfbf ff4thefbf ff4followingfbf ff4categoriesfbf ff4offbf ff4personalfbf ff4information:




Identifiers, including name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol (IP) address, email address, account name, social security number, driver’s license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers

Directly from you

Automatically when you use our Services

Advertising networks

Internet service providers

Data analytics providers

Social networks

Vendors that help us to fulfill and deliver orders, process payments, support our promotions, contests, gift cards, loyalty programs, and sweepstakes, and provide communications, marketing or other services on our behalf

Processing your purchases of or requests for products or services

Communicating with you

To support our contests, promotions, loyalty programs, coupons, and sweepstakes

Customer service

Marketing and advertising

To better understand how users access and use the Services, to improve the Services, to respond to user desires and preferences, and for other research and analytical purposes

To help maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our Services, databases and other technology assets, as well as your account, orders, and deliveries

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Tailoring our content or otherwise personalizing the Services

Personal records, including name, signature, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver’s license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit or debit card number, other financial information (including gift cards) This category includes the information described in Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e).

Directly from you

Automatically when you use our Services

Advertising networks

Internet service providers

Data analytics providers

Social networks

Vendors that help us to fulfill and deliver orders, process payments, support our promotions, contests, gift cards, loyalty programs, and sweepstakes, and provide communications, marketing or other services on our behalf

Processing your purchases of or requests for products or services

Communicating with you

Supporting our contests, promotions, loyalty programs, coupons, and sweepstakes

Customer service

Marketing and advertising

To better understand how users access and use the Services, to improve the Services, to respond to user desires and preferences, and for other research and analytical purposes

To help maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our Services, databases and other technology assets, as well as your account, orders, and deliveries

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Tailoring our content or otherwise personalizing the Services

Characteristics of protected classifications, including gender, age, and date of birth

Directly from you

Our affiliated brands and companies

Data analytics providers

Data brokers


Communicating with you

To support our contests, promotions, loyalty programs, coupons, and sweepstakes

Marketing and advertising

To better understand how users access and use the Services, to improve the Services, to respond to user desires and preferences, and for other research and analytical purposes

Customer service

To help maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our Services, databases and other technology assets, as well as your account, orders, and deliveries

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Commercial information, including records of products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies

Directly from you

Automatically when you use our Services

Advertising networks

Data analytics providers

Social networks

Vendors that help us to fulfill and deliver orders, process payments, support our promotions, contests, gift cards, loyalty programs, and sweepstakes, and provide communications, marketing or other services on our behalf

Processing your purchases of or requests for products or services

Communicating with you

Supporting our contests, promotions, loyalty programs, coupons, and sweepstakes

Customer service

Marketing and advertising

Tailoring our content or otherwise personalizing the Services Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Internet or other electronic network activity information, including browsing history, search history, and information regarding interactions with our websites, applications, or advertisements

Directly from you

Automatically when you use our Services

Advertising networks

Internet service providers

Data analytics providers

Social networks

Vendors that help us to fulfill and deliver orders, process payments, support our promotions, contests, gift cards, loyalty programs, and sweepstakes, and provide communications, marketing or other services on our behalf

To better understand how users access and use the Services, to improve the Services, to respond to user desires and preferences, and for other research and analytical purposes

To help maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our Services, databases and other technology assets, as well as your account, orders, and deliveries

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Marketing and advertising

Tailoring our content or otherwise personalizing the Services

Customer service

Geolocation data, including the location of the consumer inferred from IP address or mobile app usage

Automatically when you use our Services

Advertising networks

Internet service providers

Data analytics providers

Social networks

Vendors that help us to fulfill and deliver orders, and provide communications, marketing or other services on our behalf

Processing your purchases of or requests for products or services

Customer service

Marketing and advertising

To better understand how users access and use the Services, to improve the Services, to respond to user desires and preferences, and for other research and analytical purposes

To help maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our Services, databases and other technology assets, as well as your account, orders, and deliveries

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Tailoring our content or otherwise personalizing the Services

Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information, including recorded phone calls and in-store video surveillance

Directly from you

Automatically when you use our Services. For example, if you interact with us by phone or video

Processing your purchases of or requests for products or services

Customer service

To better understand how users access and use the Services, to improve the Services, to respond to user desires and preferences, and for other research and analytical purposes

To help maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our Services, databases and other technology assets, as well as your account, orders, and deliveries

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Professional or employment-related information

Directly from you

Supporting our contests, promotions, loyalty programs, coupons, and sweepstakes

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity


Inferences reflecting a person’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, aptitudes

Inferred from other categories of personal information we collect

Data analytics providers

Our affiliated brands and companies


To better understand how users access and use the Services, to improve the Services, to respond to user desires and preferences, and for other research and analytical purposes

Tailoring our content or otherwise personalizing the Services

Marketing and advertising

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Among the categories of personal information listed above, the following categories of personal information we collect may be considered “sensitive” under some state privacy laws:




Personal information that reveals a consumer’s precise geolocation (location within a radius of 1,850 feet)

Through our mobile applications


Helping you locate a SMU location

Improving your customer experience

Marketing and advertising

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

In addition to the purposes described above, we may use and disclose any category of personal information or sensitive personal information we collect to comply with law, cooperate with and respond to law enforcement requests, or as otherwise required by applicable law, court order, or governmental regulations; to maintain appropriate records for internal administrative purposes; to protect our rights and interests, to resolve any disputes, to enforce this Policy or any of our other policies, to protect the rights or property of another, or to prevent harm; and to evaluate or conduct a merger, sale, or other acquisition of some or all of our organization or its assets.

Our Retention of Personal Information. We keep the categories of personal information described above for as long as necessary or permitted for the purposes described in this Policy or otherwise authorized by law. More details about our retention practices are set forth above.

Disclosure of Personal Information. The following charts summarize how we disclose personal information. Although we do not sell personal information in exchange for money, some of the ways in which we share personal information for advertising or disclose personal information to our affiliated brands may be considered "sales" or "sharing" under some state privacy laws. We do not have actual knowledge that we sell or share the personal information of anyone under 16 years of age.

The first chart below shows the categories of personal information that we share for purposes of targeted / cross-context behavioral advertising or otherwise "sell" for non-monetary consideration. The second chart describes the categories of personal information we disclose for a business or commercial purpose.

Sales and Sharing of Personal Information





Our affiliated brands and companies

Advertising partners and social media platforms

Analytics, data strategy, consultation on, development or improvement of products and services, marketing, advertising, and related services for the benefit of Focus Brands and its affiliated companies, and brands

Co-marketing, ad targeting, remarketing, and customized advertising content

Personal records

Our affiliated brands and companies

Advertising partners and social media platforms

Analytics, data strategy, consultation on, development or improvement of products and services, marketing, advertising, and related services for the benefit of Focus Brands and its affiliated companies, and brands

Co-marketing, ad targeting, remarketing, and customized advertising content

Characteristics of protected classifications

Our affiliated brands and companies

Advertising partners and social media platforms

Analytics, data strategy, consultation on, development or improvement of products and services, marketing, advertising, and related services for the benefit of Focus Brands and its affiliated companies, and brands

Co-marketing, ad targeting, remarketing, and customized advertising content

Commercial information

Our affiliated brands and companies

Advertising partners and social media platforms

Analytics, data strategy, consultation on, development or improvement of products and services, marketing, advertising, and related services for the benefit of Focus Brands and its affiliated companies, and brands

Co-marketing, ad targeting, remarketing, and customized advertising content

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Our affiliated brands and companies

Advertising partners and social media platforms

Analytics, data strategy, consultation on, development or improvement of products and services, marketing, advertising, and related services for the benefit of Focus Brands and its affiliated companies, and brands

Co-marketing, ad targeting, remarketing, and customized advertising content

Geolocation Data

Our affiliated brands and companies

Advertising partners and social media platform

Analytics, data strategy, consultation on, development or improvement of products and services, marketing, advertising, and related services for the benefit of Focus Brands and its affiliated companies, and brands

Co-marketing, ad targeting, remarketing, and customized advertising content

Professional or employment-related information

Our affiliated brands and companies


Our affiliated brands and companies

Analytics, data strategy, consultation on, development or improvement of products and services, marketing, advertising, and related services for the benefit of Focus Brands and its affiliated companies, and brands

Co-marketing, targeted advertising, remarketing, and customized advertising content

Disclosures for a Business or Commercial Purpose




Personal Information



Our affiliated brands and companies

Service providers that we use to support our business and operations

Professional advisors, external auditors, and government bodies


Processing your purchases of or requests for products or services

Performing services on our behalf (e.g., fulfilling and delivering orders, processing payments, supporting our promotions, contests, gift cards, loyalty programs, and sweepstakes, and providing communications, technical, analytical, web hosting, cloud hosting and mobile application support, or other services on our behalf)

Providing advertising and marketing services (except for cross-context behavioral advertising)

Short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, non-personalized advertising

Auditing, related to ad impressions

Ensuring security and integrity of personal information

Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Personal records

Our affiliated brands and companies

Service providers that we use to support our business and operations

Professional advisors, external auditors, and government bodies


Processing your purchases of or requests for products or services

Performing services on our behalf (e.g., fulfilling and delivering orders, processing payments, supporting our promotions, contests, gift cards, loyalty programs, and sweepstakes, and providing communications, technical, analytical, web hosting, cloud hosting and mobile application support, or other services on our behalf)

Providing advertising and marketing services (except for cross-context behavioral advertising)

Short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, non-personalized advertising

Auditing, related to ad impressions

Ensuring security and integrity of personal information

Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Characteristics of protected classifications

Our affiliated brands and companies

Service providers that we use to support our business and operations

Professional advisors, external auditors, and government bodies


Performing services on our behalf (e.g., fulfilling and delivering orders, processing payments, supporting our promotions, contests, gift cards, loyalty programs, and sweepstakes, and providing communications, technical, analytical, web hosting, cloud hosting and mobile application support, or other services on our behalf)

Providing advertising and marketing services (except for cross-context behavioral advertising)

Short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, non-personalized advertising

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Commercial information

Our affiliated brands and companies

Service providers that we use to support our business and operations

Professional advisors, external auditors, and government bodies


Processing your purchases of or requests for products or services

Performing services on our behalf (e.g., fulfilling and delivering orders, processing payments, supporting our promotions, contests, gift cards, loyalty programs, and sweepstakes, and providing communications, technical, analytical, web hosting, cloud hosting and mobile application support, or other services on our behalf)

Providing advertising and marketing services (except for cross-context behavioral advertising)

Short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, non-personalized advertising

Auditing, related to ad impressions

Ensuring security and integrity of personal information

Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Our affiliated brands and companies

Service providers that we use to support our business and operations

Professional advisors, external auditors, and government bodies


Processing your purchases of or requests for products or services

Performing services on our behalf (e.g., fulfilling and delivering orders, processing payments, supporting our promotions, contests, gift cards, loyalty programs, and sweepstakes, and providing communications, technical, analytical, web hosting, cloud hosting and mobile application support, or other services on our behalf)

Providing advertising and marketing services (except for cross-context behavioral advertising)

Short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, non-personalized advertising

Auditing, related to ad impressions

Ensuring security and integrity of personal information

Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Geolocation data

Our affiliated brands and companies

Service providers that we use to support our business and operations

Professional advisors, external auditors, and government bodies


Processing your purchases of or requests for products or services

Performing services on our behalf (e.g., fulfilling and delivering orders, processing payments, supporting our promotions, contests, gift cards, loyalty programs, and sweepstakes, and providing communications, technical, analytical, web hosting, cloud hosting and mobile application support, or other services on our behalf)

Providing advertising and marketing services (except for cross-context behavioral advertising)

Short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, non-personalized advertising

Auditing, related to ad impressions

Ensuring security and integrity of personal information

Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information

Our affiliated brands and companies

Service providers that we use to support our business and operations

Professional advisors, external auditors, and government bodies


Performing services on our behalf (e.g., providing communications, technical, analytical, web hosting, cloud hosting and mobile application support, or other services on our behalf)

Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Professional or employment-related information

Our affiliated brands and companies

Service providers that we use to support our business and operations

Professional advisors, external auditors, and government bodies

Performing services on our behalf (e.g., supporting our promotions, contests, gift cards, loyalty programs, and sweepstakes, or other services on our behalf)

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity


Our affiliated brands and companies

Service providers that we use to support our business and operations

Professional advisors, external auditors, and government bodies


Performing services on our behalf (e.g., providing communications, technical, analytical, web hosting, cloud hosting and mobile application support, or other services on our behalf)

Providing advertising and marketing services (except for cross-context behavioral advertising)

Auditing, related to ad impressions

Ensuring security and integrity of personal information

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

Sensitive Personal Information


Personal information that reveals a Social Security, driver’s license, state identification card, or passport number

Our affiliated brands and companies

Service providers that we use to support our business and operations

Services performed on our behalf (e.g., providing communications, cloud hosting, and other support relationships)

Ensuring security and integrity of personal information

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity

Precise geolocation

Our affiliated brands and companies

Service providers that we use to support our business and operations

Professional advisors, external auditors, and government bodies


Processing your purchases of or requests for products or services

Performing services on our behalf (e.g., fulfilling and delivering orders, processing payments, supporting our promotions, contests, gift cards, loyalty programs, and sweepstakes, and providing communications, technical, analytical, web hosting, cloud hosting and mobile application support, or other services on our behalf)

Providing advertising and marketing services (except for cross-context behavioral advertising)

Short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, non-personalized advertising

Auditing, related to ad impressions

Ensuring security and integrity of personal information

Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality

Detecting, investigating, or protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity

California Privacy Rights

If you are a California resident who interacts with us who interacts with us as a consumer, vendor, or business contact (collectively “California residents”), you have the right to submit requests relating to your personal information in accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and other California privacy laws.

Right to Opt Out of Sales and Sharing. You have the right to direct us not to sell or share your personal information. To opt out of the sale or sharing of personal information through tracking technologies such as cookies and pixels, please go to the Your Privacy Choices link in the cookie banner or the footer of the website where you want to opt out. If you wish to opt out of offline sale or sharing of your personal information, you may submit an opt-out request by clicking here, or by calling our toll-free at 1-210-797-2228. If you choose to use the Global Privacy Control (GPC) browser signal, or any other opt-out preference signal, you will be opted out of online, cookie-based sales and sharing of personal information associated with the browser for which you have enabled the signal. If you use multiple browsers or devices, you will need to activate the signal for each one that you use.

Right to Know. You have the right to know:

  1. The categories of personal information we have collected about you, including:
    1. The categories of sources from which the personal information was collected
    2. Our business or commercial purposes for collecting (or selling or sharing—if applicable) your personal information
    3. The categories of recipients to which we disclose personal information
    4. The categories of personal information about you that we sold, and for each category identified, the categories of third parties to which we sold that particular category of personal information; and
    5. The categories of personal information that we disclosed for a business purpose, and for each category identified, the categories of recipients to which we disclosed that particular category of personal information.
  2. The specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you.

Deletion. You have the right to request that we delete personal information that we collected from you, subject to certain exceptions. In response, we will delete, and instruct any applicable service providers or contractors to delete, your personal information, unless an exception applies. Where we use deidentification to satisfy a deletion request, we commit to maintaining and using the information in deidentified form and will not attempt to reidentify the information.

Correction. If you believe that personal information we maintain about you is inaccurate, you may submit a request for us to correct that information. Upon receipt of a verifiable request to correct inaccurate personal information, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct the information as you direct.

Right to Limit Use and Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information. You may direct us to limit the use and disclosure of your sensitive personal information to uses/disclosures that are reasonably necessary to provide our goods and services, or as needed: to ensure security and integrity; to prevent fraud or illegal activity; for physical safety; for short-term, transient use, including for non-personalized advertising; to perform services on behalf of the business; and to verify or maintain the quality or safety of a service or device owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by us, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance such services or devices.

Non-Discrimination Rights. You have the right not to be discriminated against for exercising your CCPA rights. This means that, consistent with California law, we will not deny providing our products or services to you, charge you different prices or provide a different level or quality of products or services to you unless those differences are related to the value of your personal information.

How to Submit a Privacy Rights Request. You can submit your request using the online request form found here or by calling our toll-free CCPA Request Hotline at 1-210-797-2228 You are not required to create an account with us to submit a request.

Only you, or someone you authorize to act on your behalf, may make a request related to your personal information. If you designate an authorized agent to make a request on your behalf, you will still need to verify your identity directly with us before your request can be processed. An authorized agent may submit a request on your behalf using the webform or toll-free number listed above.

Certain CCPA privacy rights requests are subject to a verification process. If you submit a request to know, request to delete, or request to correct, you will be asked to log into your account or to provide 2-3 pieces of personal information that we will match against our records to verify your identity. We will not fulfill a CCPA privacy rights request unless we have been provided sufficient information for us to reasonably verify that the requestor is the person about whom we collected the personal information or that person’s authorized agent. Please follow any instructions provided and promptly respond to any follow-up inquiries so that we may confirm your identity.

Our Financial Incentive Offers. From time to time, we offer coupons, specials, or other discounts to consumers who have opted-in to the receipt of promotional communications from us by providing us with certain personal information, such as an email address or a phone number. Occasionally, we also offer consumers the opportunity to enter contests and sweepstakes. Consumers who share certain personal information with us by entering have a chance to win the contest or sweepstake. Each contest or sweepstake is governed by its own terms, and the specific financial incentive offered will be detailed in such terms.

Consumers may also join our free rewards program, My SMU Rewards. You will be enrolled in our rewards program only after you provide prior opt-in consent. Participation in our rewards program gives consumers the opportunity to accrue points with qualifying purchases that can be redeemed for rewards.

Material Terms of Our Financial Incentive Offers

When we offer coupons, specials, or other discounts that may be deemed a financial incentive, the offer will include an explanation of its material terms. The nature and value of any such offer or financial incentive may differ depending on the benefit provided and what information we collect. Most financial incentives that we offer will involve one or more of the following categories of personal information: identifiers, personal records, commercial information (such as purchase records), and inferences.

Our rewards program is subject to our Terms and Conditions. The My SMU Rewards program collects the following categories of personal information: identifiers (such as name and email address), personal records (such as telephone number), characteristics or protected classifications under California or federal law (such as gender), commercial information (such as purchase records), professional or employment-related information, and inferences.

Financial Incentive Offer Opt-In Consent and Right to Withdraw

Participation in our financial incentives, including the My SMU Rewards program, requires your prior opt-in consent. You can opt-in to participate in our financial incentives by checking the opt-in box when you sign up for an account, or by entering a contest or sweepstakes we sponsor. You may opt out of marketing emails at any time by following the opt-out instructions contained in any marketing email we send to you.

Similarly, you may withdraw from our rewards program by deleting or deactivating your account through the app or our websites. Please see our Terms and Conditions for instructions. If you delete your profile, you will lose any points, rewards, and offers that have accrued.

Our Good Faith Valuation of California Consumers’ Personal Information

Our offers and financial incentives may be individualized to each consumer, or a group of consumers, based on one or more factors. Nonetheless, each offer or financial incentive related to the collection, retention, and other use of your personal information is based upon our reasonable determination of the estimated value of such information, which takes into consideration, without limitation, estimates regarding the anticipated revenue generated from such information, the anticipated expenses which might be incurred in the collection, storage, and use of such information in the operation of our business, and other relevant factors related to the estimated value of such information to our business, as permitted under the CCPA. Thus, the value of a consumer’s personal information will depend on the specific offer or financial incentive. With respect to the My SMU Rewards program, we treat the value of consumer data collected through the program as the equivalent of relevant expenses related to the collection and retention of consumer’s personal information as part of the program.

California’s Shine the Light Law. California consumers may ask SMU to provide them with (i) a list of certain categories of personal information that we have disclosed to third parties for their direct marketing purposes during the immediately preceding calendar year, and (ii) the identity of those third parties. California consumers may make one such request per calendar year.

To make this request, you may contact SMU at Email Address or send a letter to 5620 Glenridge Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30342. In your request, please state that you are a California consumer making a request under California’s Shine the Light Law and provide a current California mailing address for our response. Please allow up to thirty (30) days for a response. SMU reserves its right not to respond to such requests submitted to addresses other than those specified in this paragraph.

Please note that rights under the CCPA and California’s Shine the Light law must be exercised separately.

Privacy Rights for Consumers in Covered States Other Than California

If you are a consumer who lives in Colorado, Connecticut, Oregon, Texas, Utah or Virginia, you have the right to submit certain requests relating to your personal information as described below. To exercise your rights, please submit a request through our webform or call us toll-free at 1-210-797-2228. To opt out of targeted advertising, go to the Your Privacy Choices link in the cookie banner or the footer of the website where you want to opt out. Please note that we may need to authenticate your identity before your request can be processed. For authentication, you will be asked to log into your account or to provide 2-3 pieces of personal information that we will match against our records.

Right to Access and Data Portability. You have the right to confirm whether we are processing your personal information, to access your personal information, and to obtain a copy of personal information you provided to us in a portable format. Oregon consumers may also request a list of third parties to which we disclosed personal information.

Right to Correct. You have the right to request that we correct inaccuracies in your personal information, taking into account the nature of the personal information and our purposes for processing it.

Right to Delete. You have the right to request that we delete your personal information, subject to exceptions

Right to Opt Out. You have the right to opt out of the following uses of your personal information: (a) targeted advertising; (b) the sale of personal information; and (c) profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning your economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, location, or movements. We do not sell personal information in exchange for money or engage in practices that qualify as profiling producing legal or similarly significant effects under applicable state privacy laws. To opt out of targeted advertising and/or non- monetary “sales” of personal information, please submit a request as outlined above. If you choose to use a browser-based opt-out signal, such as the Global Privacy Control, you will be opted out of cookie- based sales or sharing of personal information and will need to turn it on for each browser you use. If you are an authorized agent submitting an opt-out request on behalf of a consumer where allowed by law, please follow the instructions provided above and within our webform. We use commercially reasonable efforts to authenticate the identity of the consumer to whom the request relates and the authorized agent’s authority to act on the consumer’s behalf.

Right to Appeal. Sometimes we are unable to process requests relating to your personal information, in which case, your request will be denied. If your privacy rights request has previously been denied by us and you believe we denied it in error, you may appeal for reconsideration of your request using our webform.

Please note that if you make a privacy rights request, we will retain a record of your request for recordkeeping purposes.

Loyalty Program Disclosures for Colorado Residents

The purpose of this section is to notify Colorado consumers about how we use personal information in connection with our loyalty program, My SMU Rewards. You have the right to delete your personal information associated with your My SMU Rewards account; however, if you delete your personal information, we will be unable to link your rewards to your account, and therefore you will be unable to receive benefits from the program.

The chart below identifies the categories of personal information that we collect, sell, or process for targeted advertising, and the third parties who receive these categories of personal information in connection with My SMU Rewards.




Personal records


Personal records

Commercial information/purchase records


Advertising Partners

Loyalty Program Partners as Described Below

The chart below identifies our loyalty program partners, and the program benefits provided by each partner.



Points, discounts, and other rewards associated with the My SMU Rewards program

Partner Businesses

Enhanced or additional rewards or discounts


Enhanced or additional rewards or discounts for AARP members

For more information about how we process your personal information, please click here.

Additional Information for Nevada Residents

Nevada law provides residents the right to opt out of the “sale” of “covered information” to third parties, including but not limited to name, address, social security number, telephone number, email address, and other information through which a person may be contacted. Our uses of your personal information are not sales under Nevada law. If you have any questions or if you would like to receive notice by email in the event we should engage in “sales” of personal information under Nevada law in the future, please contact us using the contact information provided below.


SMU is based in the United States. If you are using our Services outside the United States, please be aware that personal information we obtain about you may be transferred to and processed in the United States or other jurisdictions outside your own. Your personal information may be accessible by public authorities where it is processed. By using our Services and providing your personal information, you acknowledge that your personal information may be transferred to and processed in jurisdictions other than your own. Please be aware that the data protection laws and regulations that may apply to your personal information transferred to the United States or other countries may be different from the laws in your country of residence.